Heart.pngHeart rate is a primary metric for the physiological load someone is under. The following products can be used to capture, process or distribute heart rate data. More advanced wearable devices can also capture more, including breathing and motion.

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Results 1 - 5 of 5

Heart Rate


Heart Rate Sensor Strap

Dual-mode (ANT+ and BluetoothLE/BLE) heart rate strap

Sales price: £35.00
net price
Total without tax: £35.00
Tax amount:

Heart Rate Wrist Sensor

Wrist-worn heart rate sensor with BluetoothLE/BLE and/or ...

Sales price: £60.00
net price
Total without tax: £60.00
Tax amount:
Sales price: £800.00
net price
Total without tax: £800.00
Tax amount: