All wireless devices share some common properties.
- Group – see the page on Groups.
- Enable Late Binding – see Late Binding.
- Bind in group – see Late Binding.
- Serial – the serial number of the peripheral. It is not always necessary to have this set correctly but it assists in identification and pairing.
- Emit Unit Number as – in order to identify a device in subsequent output data it is useful to have the module transmit a stream called Unit Number. The number can be one of:
- Configured Serial Number – if this device is connected then this module will output whatever serial number you have entered into the config. If you have used a wildcard (serial number set to zero) then this option is not useful.
- Unit Number – this is an arbitrary configured value for this module. This is useful if the proper serial number is not wanted in the output data e.g. you would like your devices called “1, 2, 3…” not their true serials which may be opaque e.g. “43252, 243352… etc”
- Remote Serial Number – most devices will transmit their true serial number back, either via the transport protocol or in a separate message. As such, this option can be used with a configured serial number of zero but when the device connects the actual identity of the remote device is available. Note for ANT, this is the 16-bit serial number, for Bluetooth (+LE) this is the low 16-bits of the MAC address.