The RGB properties group allows a lot of different modes to be configured, from static colours to stream-dependent colours. The lowest 24bits (either in the stream value or entered manually (depending on operating mode) carries the colour required.
- Operating Mode - set to one of:
- Stream Colour - the LED colour is directly set by the 32-bit stream value.
- Solid Colour - the LED is fixed as Colour1.
- Fade Colour - the LED fades between Colour1 and Colour2.
- Stream Index - a stream value of zero shows as black/off, Stream=1 then LED=Colour1 ... Stream=3 then LED=Colour3.
- Burner - reserved.
- Fade Time - when fading this is the time to go from one colour to the other (not "there and back").
- LED Bank - to use the first three feature pins, set this to '1'. For the Pilot RGB, set this to '3' for the on-board LED.
- Luminosity - this percentage is applied after the LED colour is calculated. i.e. it will dim the calculated colour.
- Color n - these are only used for operating modes that use indexed colours (rather than colours explicitly carried as the stream value)
- Off Time - see strobes.
- On Time - see strobes.
- Hex Colour - this allows entering of a RGB hex value for the colour part of the value.
- Swatch - shows the colour of the entered hex (click on the colour swatch to select a colour using the colour picker)
Colour Strobe Values
The upper 8bits of the 32bit value is used to specify the "strobe". The strobe allows the colour to flash at a selection of rates. The strobe value only alters the LED when it is non-zero.
Off times are represented by a 4bit value (and are stored in the top 4bits - 0xF0000000 - of the 32bit value). The bit values represent:
- 0 - Always off
- 1 - 100ms.
- 2 - 250ms.
- 3 - 1s.
- 4 - 5s.
- 5 - 10s.
- 6 - 30 seconds.
- 7 - reserved.
On times are represented by a 4bit value (stored in the 0x0F000000 position). The bit values represent:
- 0 - 10ms
- 1 - 100ms
- 2 - 200ms
- 3 - 400ms
- 4 - 1s
- 5, 6, 7 - reserved.