The ANT+ profile defines two types of temperature sensors (yellowcog's own Havant-TeHu has no configurable options as by default it collects the maximum resolution data).

Environmental Sensors

Temperature Properties, Environmental

There are no further options but it is vital that the combobox is set to "Environmental" (body sensors do not package the wireless data in the same format).

Body Core Sensors

tempprops body

For Body Core Temperature Sensors there is an optional extra parameter which is the "associated device". This option should, for best results, be set to the serial number of the ANT+ heart rate strap that is also being worn. This helps the sensor calculate more accurate body core temperature estimations. The combobox helps by populating the list with the serial numbers of ANT heart rate sensors that are also in the config. IMPORTANT: if you set your heart rate strap config item's serial number to '0' (zero) to mean "connect to any nearby" then this is no longer sufficient; correct results now require you enter a real serial number for the heart rate device and add the same number here.



The two different types of sensor profiles do not output the same types of streams. In many ways they are different devices that share a common profile layout. You must add output streams for the module by clicking the "Add" button. They type of data is labelled for each added stream and the order is determined by the software (and mimics the ANT+ profile). You may however assign any stream you wish to each - or leave as void if you do not require that data. If you only require the first (or second etc) stream then you do not need to add the remainder and set to void - you only need add up to the stream you are using. Streams marked as "reserved" will output and should be left as "void". Usually on the Pilot you would use the "Temperature" stream for temperature but these sensors output more than one temperature value - there are options to using (outputting elsewhere) the other temperatures: use a different filter for the Temperature stream; use something like DeviceTemperature; or use any other arbitrary stream.